- 01.03.2021
Our Interview with Electricity Magazine
The Next 5 Years Will Be Critical for Smart City Technologies We are getting closer to the cities ruled by artificial intelligence, which we watch in science fiction movies, with the teehnology we have reached today. Reports prepared by teehnology companies shovv that between 2028 and 2036, smart cities will be prominent issues and vvill gain more place in our lives. Artificial intelligence, vvhich has started to take place in many areas from production to industry, is evolving itself tovvards smart cities. Arma Kontrol, vvhich develops technologies for smart city projects of Turkey, aims to bring artificial intelligence-based security systems together vvith the vvhole vvorld. "The concept of smart city is one of the issues vve prioritize." Stating that cities such as London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and İstanbul are supported by smart city studies, Koray Kartal, Arma Kontrol Founder and General Manager, said, "Smart cities, vvhich many vvorld countries çare about and start investing in for purposes such as efficiency, energy conservation, public interest, are at the top of the issues vve prioritize. Our products vve have developed ensure the safe flovv of life in smart cities in many countries of the vvorld. VVİth WOC Softvvare, vvhich vve invested last year, vve vvill continue to develop products by focusing more on this area. İn smart city applications, vve primarily vvork on facial recogniüon teehnology, parking systems, pedestrîanization projects, unmanned payment, and unmanned traffic control systems.
We want to keep the perception of Made in Turkey alive Combining artificial intelligence, softvvare, and connection technologies, Arma Kontrol's products are used in many cities today. The company that develops barrier and security technologies for pedestrianization, traffic safety, traffic rouüng, floods, vvants to maintain the qualîty of 'Made in Turkey' in smart cities. The unmanned payment teehnology developed by Arma Kontrol vvith artificial intelligence is used today in the car parks of Dubai Mazaya Mail.