Hotels are one of the most important places where people want to feel the safety and comfort of home. In addition to providing accommodation and catering services, people’s hotel preferences are based on the facility’s structure, comfort, and security. In recent times especially, people are looking for safe, peaceful accommodation facilities.
What are our solutions for hotels?
Secure control of hotel car entrances is especially required, and we recommend Rising Bollards, and integrated PAS68 Automatic – Fixed Bollards for entrances and exits. Disinfection Systems and turnstiles are recommended to secure hotel pedestrian entrances.
Arma Kontrol’s expert advisors can suggest security solutions against possible risks to Hotels and present you with the right product according to field needs. However, it must be understood that other security products in the area where the proposed systems will be installed and the set-up of the field itself are just as important as the system.
Please contact us to create a technical specification tailored to your projects.
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